Sustainability for the Euro-Profil Company Group
Sustainability Mission Statement

We, the Euro-Profile, not only as part of a company, but as part of a community, feel responsible for the upcoming generations and the environment. Protecting the purity of our Earth and our environment also depends on how people think.
For us, sustainability is not just a business decision, but a way of life, and we believe that with every step we can have a positive impact on the environment and society. Our goal is to minimize the amount of waste and decrease the level of pollution, to operate in an energy-efficient way, and to cooperate with sustainable companies, at company level. It is essential for everyone to have a conscious goal about building a more liveable future also to think about how our current lifestyle has an impact on the following days. Our plan is for our future company, to build a flexible, secure, integrated and synergistic portfolio. We are going to continue to be as committed as before to offer high quality, ethically purchased products. We want to minimize our ecological footprint and use the business to inspire and give solutions to the environmental issues.

Corporate social responsibility
Our company has committed itself to corporate social responsibility and going to make steps towards integrating economic, social and environmental relationships into the main decisions of business. We truly believe that with a great unity in the community, we may contribute to the development of our society and our environment. We definitely want to participate in environmental protection, partly because of our own profession also because we have to take into consideration our planet’s future, that is why we are committed to environmental issues, sustainability and climate protection programs.
Our company has already set plans for its employees based on OKR, namely our plans are based on strategy management, communication and implementation methods, which are simple and well-understood objectives. This provides clear and detailed guidance on the values and goals of the company.
The values of our company include people-oriented working environment, puritan work ethic, systematic creation of values and the acceptance and desire towards change. We pay attention on each other, on our colleagues, we lift up one another. We support health preservation and organize community programs for our employees.
In order to provide the right environmental circumstances for future generations, the responsibility of the corporate sector is essential. Through our corporate governance standards, events and initiatives, we seek solutions to increase our positive environmental and social impact not only with our employees but also with our partners. It is important for us that the protection of the environment is a daily natural action, which we do on an everyday basis. We would like to highlight the following activities with which we want to participate in CSR and in environmental protection programmes.
The focus of our events

Sustainability is the main topic of our events, as we believe that business success and environmental responsibility go hand in hand. Our professional lecturers by sharing their experiences, visions, and how do they pay attention to environmental protection within the profession, can be really inspiring for others to also discover and integrate sustainability considerations into their company’s day-to-day practice.
Selective waste collection

At our location, we collect the waste selectively, placing them in separate containers in order to help the process of recycling and have less accumulated waste. We also strictly pay attention on the sorting of waste at our events, and we have even chosen the Food Truck solution for our event in September, 2023 in order to reduce waste.
Hazardous waste management

Through proper waste management, the amount of pollution and the environmental burden is reduced, therefore we entrusted the proper collection, removal and managenet of hazardous waste to MOHU, which company is committed to strengthening Hungary's circular economy.
Solar panel

Our goal is to maintain economic growth without depleting the natural resources and also skip the harmful effects of overproduction. For development and to be sustainable, renewable energy sources must be used. We have installed solar panels on the buildings of our company for the utilization of green energy.
Plant-based meals

The production of meat and food of animal origin requires a large amount of land, increased water use and imposes additional burdens on the environment. Deforestation is one of te biggest issue nowadays, billions of hectares of forest disappear every year because they are converted into agricultural land. We provide our colleagues plant-based meals at our workplace at lunchtime, which is made fresh in our own kitchen, every working day.

Supporting the disadvantaged children of the Gyömrő orphanage is important to us. Depending on the desire and needs of the children, we donate for example toys or an experience-based programme. Donating a toy is at least as important as giving clothes or food, as we also give joy with the game and much more. For children, this is not only a source of joy, but also one of the most important pillars of development.
Tree planting for a cleaner future

As part of our cooperation with the Danube-Ipoly National Park, in March 2023, we planted 500 trees in the area of Danube-Ipoly National Park, thus contributing to a greener tomorrow! The goal of our independent campaign was to show the responsible side of our company as well. We hope that our activities will inspire other companies as well, and that we can work together to achieve even more effective results in terms of sustainability.

On the land around our office, crop production takes place in a permaculture way, which is even more environmentally friendly than organic production. Our employees have the opportunity to participate in permaculture crop production, which makes the soil richer every year. Cultivation has been going on for three years and we have translated the eviscerated barren sandy soil into a great topsoil where vegetables and fruits are grown.
Electric fleet management

Electric cars have much smaller carbon footprints than their counterparts equipped with an internal combustion engine. The proliferation of electric cars is essential to achieve climate targets. We currently have 4 electric cars and would like to further increase our environmentally friendly car range in the future.
Natural cooling

In front of our site’s A building there are fast-growing deciduous trees, which means natural cooling with their shielding during the summer, but from autumn to spring they let in the sun's rays, which gives natural heating.
Economical water management

The water dispenser connected to the sewer is economical, comfortable and, unlike bottled waters, does not pollute the environment. In our office, we provide clean water to our employees with networkable water dispensers, which not only reduce water waste and plastic bottle water consumption, but also improve working conditions and make work more efficient.

Enterprise-level environmental sustainability goals
One of our future goals is that by December 31, 2024, 20% of our current vehicle stock will be electric cars.
At our location, the Euro-Profil office, we are developing a heating system that can be controlled per room in order to protect our environment and our planet until December 31, 2024, which will reduce the heating energy used by at least 20%.
In front of our site’s A building there are fast-growing deciduous trees, which means natural cooling with their shielding during the summer, but from autumn to spring they let in the sun's rays, which gives natural heating. We plan to do the same in front of building B till 20 of november 2024.
The foliage is composted locally and used in the company's garden.
Therefore, deciduous trees growing fast have double benefit:
- Large deciduous trees bind carbon-dioxide (such as Norway maples). Their ability to bind carbon-dioxide is excellent, which indicates how much they contribute to the reduction of the gases causing greenhouse effect and this way they help to slow down the climate change.
- Our southward building “B” is about 60 m long. According to our plans, if we plant fast-growing deciduous trees in front of it, the usage of air-condition in the building in summer can be reduced by 30-40% and so we can cut the cooling costs of our company and energy-consumption in sake of our planet.
We would like to accomplish our idea within one year that employees would collect the waste of raw fruit or vegetables (except citrus fruits and onions), which they bring into the office intended for consumption, in a separate collector and use them in our earthworm farm. Our employees who live in an apartment can collect raw plant and kitchen waste at home and hand it over to our company, which we can utilize in the worm farm. Thus, every six months, we can even gain a tub of worm humus, which is first-class soil, and by collecting and spilling the resulting moisture dripping from the drain, it is a great nutrient for the plants. This is an activity that is one of the best ways to recover raw plant waste.
Our future mission is to create a community garden within the company with raised beds, and employees could adopt one or two flowerbeds so everyone would grow what they want on it. And earthworm juice from imported waste can be used instead of manure. We also plan to plant fruit trees and their shady tree and soil support species within one year.
Our plans within two years include to create a permaculture garden on a larger agricultural area of our company. The goal is to create educational trails for a healthy lifestyle and environmental awareness, which we plan to open to the public.
We intend to develop the possibility of storing rainwater within one year. In part, we have already implemented the retention of part of the rainwater in the area by creating storage ditches that allow rainwater to seep into the soil much more slowly, providing water to the fruit trees and other plants planted next to it, significantly reducing the amount of irrigation required.

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